A Few Reasons Why Every Day Should Be Hockey Mother’s Day (or Sucking Up Big Time)

As we near Father’s Day I’ve decided to turn the tables a bit with a list I meant to post a little over a month ago  in honour and recognition of the efforts of all Hockey Moms. But after I thought about it a little, I realized pretty much every day should be Hockey Mom’s Day and here’s why:

1. Self-Preservation.  Let’s face it, without Hockey Moms there would simply be no Hockey Dads and that would be bad – wouldn’t it?

2. Hockey Moms know just the right combination of Nestle Quik and Marshmallows required to soften the sting of an extended losing streak.

Hockey Mom: How was the game Billy?
Billy: We lost again 🙁
Hockey Mom: Did you have fun?
Billy: Yeah Mom, I really like hockey!
Hockey Mom: Here ya go, maybe this will help.
Billy: Thanks Mom.

Nestle Quik — Thanks Mom…Every Time!

3. Hockey Moms endure the seemingly endless tossing and turning of Hockey Dads/Coaches in bed the night before a big, or for that matter any, game.

4. Hockey Moms can kick Soccer Moms’ asses.  Wanna bet?  Nuff said.

5. Hockey Moms can voice their opinions at frequencies only referees can hear.

6. Hockey Moms aren’t afraid to cheer loud and proud for their teenagers, who can certainly still hear them through any and all in-game noise.

7. Certain Hockey Moms are brave enough to step behind the bench with a bunch of foul-mouthed, foul-smelling sixteen and seventeen year old boys.  Some even claim to enjoy it.

8. Though few will likely admit it, Hockey Moms give male coaches handy tie-breaking options when it comes to filling in the last spot or two on a team.

9. True, ingenious Hockey Moms carry wee bottles of Bailey’s Irish Cream in their purse for early morning coffee emergencies at sub-zero arenas.

10. Hockey Moms are somebody’s moms…what else do you really need to say?

I know the Boy, the Devil and I couldn’t do what we do without our Hockey Mom who’s been all in for the 13+ year journey we’ve been on.  She was maybe even a tie-breaker a time or two ;-).  And I’m pretty sure that she, like I, has no place she’d rather be.

Feel free to suggest a few reasons of your own and be sure to wish yours a Happy Hockey Mom’s Day.


Hockey Mom image from http://www.hockeypros.ca/view_cat.cfm?id=59&category=Hockey_T’s_for_Girls