You go this way and I’ll go that way

Yesterday felt the the real beginning of what is to be the norm for the next seven months or so.  I headed to an out of town rink with the Devil for an hour long skate while my lovely bride ran the Boy to his practice and post-practice dryland training here in town. Came back home for a bit then headed out again to my own (albeit my last of the Summer sked) game. Occasionally we do find time to sit down and eat a meal together, but quite often its more hello, goodbye or how are you enjoying that Pizza Pop. That being said, we have gotten somewhat better at pre-making more healthy snacks and meals to save both time, money and waistline inches. As a matter of fact, I smell chili in the air as I type and am finding myself drawn towards it.

Tomorrow will be a little hectic with a day-long 3-on-3 hockey tourney/fundraiser for the Devil. The Boy will actually be playing with her so that should be kewl and provide for some good pics and stories.

And so now chili trumps writing.


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