Hockey Defined
Methinks it’s time to inject a little levity into the proceedings before we get all playoff serious. So here’s a little list of new age hockey lingo; complete with illuminating examples. These are a few of the more colourful and current words and phrases of today’s game that have been uttered in and around the Boy’s and the Devil’s games.
Spin-o-Rama – A 360 degree spin with the puck used to avoid an oncoming checker, fool an unsuspecting/over-committed goaltender or simply add flair to an otherwise non-descript penalty shot (see video above).
BD (Bar Down) – A quick shot that strikes the top crossbar of the net and deflects directly down into the net. A player who performs this feat is said to “go bar down”.
Sui (soo-eee) – A blind pass to a teammate which puts said player in a highly vulnerable (suicide-like) position and makes opposing body checkers salivate at the prospect of an unexpected hit.
One-Timer – A shot taken immediately off of an incoming pass. One-timers are highly effective as they generally catch goalies off-guard, but also require good hand-eye coordination to ensure accuracy and speed.
PK (Penalty Kill) – A situation whereby a team is shorthanded by one or two players because of penalties. Box and triangle systems are the norm to defend a zone in five-on-four or five-on-three situations, but in general, the key to any good PK is pure hustle.
PP (Power Play) – The more favourable alternative to the PK is the PP (Power Play). Having a one or two-man advantage is obviously a preferred status. Good, disciplined teams are able to capitalize with PP goals. The following, by an unnamed but not surprising NHL team, demonstrates how NOT to run a power play.
Top Shelf (Where Gramma Keeps the Peanut Butter) – A shot scored in either top corner of the net. Knocking the goalie’s water bottle high into the air adds a dramatic exclamation point to top shelf goals.
Toe Drag or Dangle – A nifty evasive move whereby the puck is pulled back slightly with the toe (front end) of the blade of the hockey stick causing a defender to lunge forward awkwardly while the toe dragger or dangler skates by him. Mad danglers appear to have the puck glued to their sticks. Stick work like this takes a fair bit of practice.
The Can Opener – A devious defensive maneuver, which involves placing the stick between an opposing players legs and then twisting (not unlike a can opener) typically causing the player to fall to the ice. You need to be sneaky quick to pull off this move, while avoiding detection by the ref.
Wrap Around – A goal scored quickly from behind the net before the goalie is able to get from one side to the other. The older and the bigger the players get, the tougher it is to pull off the wrap around.
Split the D – A burst of speed that enables an oncoming puck carrier to scoot between two defencemen and in on their goalie, which usually makes them look foolish. Finishing with by going bar down or top shelf is a preferred outcome.
The Flow or Hockey Hair – A wet and/or greasy slicked back long hairdo accentuated by the combination of post-game sweat and years of hockey helmet moulding. If you look up The Flow in a dictionary you’ll find a picture of Jeremy “JR” Roenick. Several on the Boy’s team have fashioned respectable flows.
This list would not be complete without the following penalty explanations from a fan fave, Denis Lemieux, keeper of da goal for da Charlestown Chiefs of Slap Shot fame. ”You do dat, you go to da box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know and…you feel shame, you know. And then you go free.”
Feel free to comment with any of your favourites from the past or present.
Beauty list, great for any parents who are new(er) to hockey. Thanks for the mention 😀
Thanks Jeremy. Be sure to come back often and check out what’s new with a certain Hockey Dad or if you need a good chuckle.